土屋安娜-a little paina little painTravel to the moon 解讀你所沉睡的夢境渺無人跡 唯有星負債整合光閃爍為了堅強 而遺忘的笑顏兩人一起 定能再度拾回察覺I’m here waiting for you即便未來不資產管理公司同今天I’m here waiting for you仍在呼喊心中一定還糾纏著羈絆只為能喚醒當日的我No need to 支票貼現cryTravel in silence 仿佛伸出手就能觸及 你卻在遙不可及的回憶中閉上眼睛 傾聽你的聲音即便小額信貸隱隱作痛 仍然懷念察覺I’m here waiting for you即便獨自迷失風中I’m here waiting for you個人信貸抬頭抑望一直張開雙臂默默守候直到當日的你能夠回首No need to cry(Feel something  Feel 信用貸款nothing Listen closely  Listen closely) Wide open earsDisarm the dream ticklerIn the 房屋二胎constant moment(You will find me  Where it's quiet Listen closely  Listen 房屋貸款closely) Let the blood flowThrough all the spacesOf the universe察覺I’m here waiting 代償for you即便未來不同今天I’m here waiting for you仍在呼喊心中一定還糾纏著羈絆只為能喚醒當信用卡代償日的我No need to cry

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